Temperature and Humidity Monitoring for Leather Industry

°C Freshliance


Leather has many different uses. From high-fashion wear, to furniture, to vehicle upholstery, you can go almost anywhere and find an example or two of leather products with ease. Leather is very tough, however, it can suffer damage if it is not stored properly.

General Recommendation

The leather properties of elasticity and softness are in relation to a certain moisture content. Therefore leather needs to be stored in well-ventilated areas that are not too dry, at a uniform temperature of 15 - 20℃and a relative humidity between 50 - 70%. Higher temperatures should be avoided, lower temperatures up to 10℃ are not a problem.

The Dangers of Not Monitoring the Temperature & Humidity

Fluctuating temperatures and constant changes in humidity should be avoided as far as possible as this promotes aging of the leather. If the humidity is too low, leather becomes brittle and harder over time. If the air humidity is too high and/or the air circulation is insufficient, there is a risk of mould formation with the corresponding odour.

Our Solution

Considering the impact that relative humidity can have on leather goods—particularly chrome-tanned leather, it’s important to monitor temperature and RH whenever possible in the tannery. For this task, a specialized device such as a thermometer hygrometer is typically used. Freshliance COEUS-WIFI temperature and humidity data logger could be your helper. To take a measurement of temperature and relative humidity in the tannery, simply turn the COEUS-WIFI wireless temperature and humidity sensor on, place it in a spot with good air flow, such as near the center of the room, and activate it.  The wireless COEUS-WIFI temperature and humidity monitor will evaluate the room’s temperature, RH and provide a fast measurement that you can use to determine whether you need to take measures to adjust the room’s temperature and humidity.


·Temperature Range: -20℃~+50℃(Internal sensor)
·Optional external probe: -30℃~+70℃,-90℃~+200℃,-200℃~+90℃
·Temperature Accuracy: ≤±0.5℃(-90℃~50℃),≤±1.0℃(Others)

·Humidity Range (Internal sensor only): 0 ~ 99% (No dews)

·Humidity Accuracy: ≤±3% RH

·Parameters configure through the app

·Transmit data through the Wifi network

·Audible and visual alarms, the alarm can be mute

·Battery rechargeable, support direct power supply

Contact Us

Freshliance is your convenient leather products storage solution expert. So give our storage experts a call at 0086-371-89908620. Our call center is available 7 days a week and can help determine which storage solution best fits your storage needs.

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