Wireless Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Wine Storage

°C Freshliance


Freshliance can provide the COEUS-WIFI wireless temperature and humidity data logger to achieve the perfect solution for temperature and humidity monitoring in the wine cellar.

Wines that have been stored over many years and in turn have become more valuable for it. Wine, however, isn’t something you can just leave unattended and expect to get better over time. It takes making sure your wine is in a place with the right conditions. 

Why wine cellar temperature control is essential?

The average room temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the wrong temperature to store wine, and the average refrigerator is much too cold. The ideal wine storage temperature is between 52-58 degrees. Regulating wine cellar temperature control to prevent fluctuations is actually more important than the exact temperature setting. For wine, temperature fluctuation is the real enemy. Varying the temperature by 3 degrees can damage the flavors. Frequent temperature changes throughout the day cause the wine to contract as it cools, and expand as it heats up. This draws air in and out of the bottle through the porous cork. The more wine is exposed to airflow, the more it oxidizes. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can damage wine.

Wine cellar humidity control is important, too

A normal interior humidity level is around 20-30 percent. The ideal wine cellar humidity level is between 50-70 percent. Wine cellar humidity control is important because it all comes down to the corks. If the air is too dry, the corks shrink and bottles will not be properly sealed. Again, this lets in the air that oxidizes the wine. Too humid, and the corks and labels can develop mold that adds unpleasant odors to the wine. Wine storage humidity levels are important to maintain the corks in the best condition. Corks keep oxygen out of wine which prevents it from oxidizing.

How to Monitor Cellar Temperature and Humidity?

To monitor the temperature and humidity inside your wine cellar, you will need a wireless temperature and humidity sensor. Freshliance COEUS-WIFI wireless temperature and humidity data logger could be the best solution for your wine cellar temperature and humidity monitoring. This proper wireless temperature humidity data logger will tell you the exact reading of your cellar. Once you have this reading, you will know how to adjust the temperature and humidity accordingly. Place the wireless temperature and humidity sensor inside your wine cellar, cabinet, or a large wine refrigerator. You can access data through an app from your mobile device or web browser. This wireless temperature and humidity monitor will also alarm and send you a text or email when the temperature or humidity inside your cellar is outside the desired range.


·Temperature Range: -20℃~+50℃(Internal sensor)
·Optional external probe: -30℃~+70℃,-90℃~+200℃,-200℃~+90℃
·Temperature Accuracy: ≤±0.5℃(-90℃~50℃),≤±1.0℃(Others)

·Humidity Range (Internal sensor only): 0 ~ 99% (No dews)

·Humidity Accuracy: ≤±3% RH

·Parameters configure through the app

·Transmit data through the Wifi network

·Audible and visual alarms, the alarm can be mute

·Battery rechargeable, support direct power supply

Contact us

Your wines deserve the very best in temperature management. The Freshliance wireless environment monitoring system uses the most innovative sensors to maintain the optimal temperature in your wine cellar. Contact us and find the ideal solution for your application-specific needs.

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