How to Keep Proper Storage and Transportation Conditions of Cinnamon

Cinnamon requires particular environmental conditions during storage and transportation. Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH single use USB temperature and humidity data logger can record and monitor cinnamon’s temperature and humidity during cinnamon’s shipping to ensure the procedure follows the HACCP principle. 


Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the branches of trees of the Cinnamomum family. It is native to the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia. Whether it’s sprinkled atop a steaming pumpkin spice latte, dropped as a curl of bark into a hot wintertime cider, or featured in an aromatic, freshly baked apple pie, cinnamon has the power to evoke a degree of nostalgia and luxury that few other spices can match. It is now the second most popular spice, after black pepper, in the United States and Europe. The global cinnamon market size was valued at US$ 0.801 billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach a value of US$ 1.28 billion by 2028.


Cinnamon requires particular temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions during storage and transportation. The favorable travel temperature range of cinnamon is 15 - 19℃, and the ideal humidity is 60 - 70%. Cinnamon should be transported in areas that exhibit the lowest temperatures during the voyage and are dry. In any event, storage beneath the weather deck or, in the case of shipping in containers, in the uppermost layer on the deck, must be avoided as the deck or container is strongly heated by the intense tropical sun and, at temperatures of > 20 - 35°C, there is a risk that essential oils will be lost and, in conjunction with high levels of humidity/moisture, styrene may be formed, which will impair the cinnamon’s quality. Cinnamon possesses a substantial amount of volatile aroma which is lost if not stored and transported at recommended temperature. Moreover, an excessive humidity environment can lead to microbial growth, which reduces its shelf life.


Freshliance FreshTag 10TH single use temperature and humidity recorders is robust enough to withstand the rigors of the journey while being compact and lightweight to sit conveniently with shipments. This temperature and humidity recorder for shipping is specially developed for food transportation. It is ideal for cinnamon transportation. All parameters including alarm points can be configured on our free configuration software. Once the temperature and humidity out of the alarm range, the alarm symbol will be displayed on the screen and the red indicator will flash once every 10 seconds. On arrival at its destination, after stopping this disposable temperature recorder for shipping, plug it into the computer, and the irreversible PDF&CSV report with graph and table will be generated automatically and quickly without any additional software. The mark and alarm will also show on this report. When transporting temperature and humidity-sensitive goods like cinnamon, it’s crucial that the carrier pay close attention to the details. Buyers will often ask buyers to implement a food safety management system based on HACCP principles. This report will be the necessary evidence for the product owner and the cold chain carrier if the cold chain performance objection is required.