Temperature-controlled food logistics Logistics Reusable temperature data logger with LCD display

Temperature-controlled food logistics involve the transport and logistics of foodstuffs maintained at arctic temperatures ranging from -18°C to spring-like temperatures. For example, fish and fish preparations (frozen or deep-frozen) must be transported at -18°C - butter at +10°C, meat at +6°C, minced meat at +2°C and pasteurized milk and fresh dairy products (yoghurt, cream, fromage frais) at +6°C. Depending on the outside temperature (winter, summer), logistics transport vehicles must be able to heat or cool. Various transport vehicles are used for this purpose: refrigerated semi-trailers with different cooling zones, tankers or vans. All logistics vehicles are subject to permanent temperature control and documentation.


Food products are stored in different warehouses, at different temperatures and under different storage conditions. In deep-freeze warehouses, foodstuffs are generally cooled to between -20 and -24°C. Sometimes, there are also "quick-freeze" cells down to -35°C. The top priority is to ensure that the cold chain is not interrupted. For the storage of dairy products (Mopro) or fresh fruit and vegetables, the temperature is generally between +2 and +8°C, and humidity is increased where necessary. Cleanliness requirements are particularly high. Different temperatures are used in cold stores for frozen, defrosted and meat products. In the cold store, a temperature of -1 to +2°C is prescribed, in the defrosting zone <10°C (2-15°C with air flow) and in the freezing chambers at least -18°C. 


The TagPlus-T is a reusable temperature data logger with LCD display for easy viewing of temperature data. In this device, parameters can be set by a professional user before use. The complete travel history is recorded and downloaded in encrypted reports with summary data, graphs and tables. The report can be read directly from a target computer. Temporary mode allows the device to continue operating once users have generated and read the temporary report. This USB temperature sensor is an ideal choice for recording temperature changes of sensitive products in transit.