Pomegranate is a perishable fruit. Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH single use USB temperature and humidity data logger can monitor and record pomegranate transport and storage temperature to reduce spoilage risk.
Pomegranate, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins, is increasingly used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Due to its high antioxidant potential, pomegranate, and its byproducts, such as juice, seeds and peel are considered to have many positive health effects, including antibacterial and anticancer properties. Regarding trade, although pomegranate accounts for a small share of the total turnover of fruit and vegetables in the world, its consumption is growing rapidly. Pomegranate, a perishable fruit, requires a certain storage temperature and humidity during transportation at long distances to not affect its quality, thus reducing the risk of spoilage and food loss.
The pomegranate should be transported in cool temperatures and cushioned in wooden crates or in baskets lined with paper or straw. Maintaining the pomegranate at a temperature of 32℉ to 41 ℉and sustaining a relative humidity of 80 to 85% can extend the storage life of a pomegranate fruit for up to 6 - 7 months while maintaining market quality. When the pomegranate are kept at room temperature, they continue to develop darker skin color and may last up to several weeks. Warmer temperatures and prolonged storage results in internal breakdown and increases dehydration, causing the pomegranate skin to harden and shrink. Shrink-wrapping is sometimes used to preserve quality and surface color and to reduce moisture loss. Chilling injury is a common occurrence due to improper storage. Chilling injury occurs when the pomegranate is exposed to temperatures below 41℉ during storage. The pomegranate will have a brown discoloration of the skin, pitting, and increased susceptibility to early decay. The arils will lose their rich, red color and the white membranes will turn brown.
Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH single use USB temperature and humidity data logger is a small, portable device with an LCD screen that is ideal for use in the pomegranate cold chain. FreshTag 10TH single use temperature and humidity recorders are robust enough to withstand the rigors of the journey while being compact and lightweight to sit conveniently with shipments. This temperature and humidity recorder for shipping is ideal for pomegranates. All parameters including alarm points can be configured on our free configuration software. Once the temperature and humidity are out of the alarm range, the alarm symbol will be displayed on the screen and the red indicator will flash once every 10 seconds. On arrival at its destination, after stopping this disposable temperature recorder for shipping, plug it into the computer, and the irreversible PDF&CSV report with graph and table will be generated automatically and quickly without any additional software. The mark and alarm will also show on this report. When transporting temperature and humidity sensitive goods like pomegranates, it’s crucial that the carrier pay close attention to the details. The shipper will list the specific temperature freight needs to remain during transit. If this temperature setting is altered up or down at all, the freight could be damaged and may be deemed unacceptable upon delivery. This means time wasted and money lost. This report will be the necessary evidence for the product owner and the cold chain carrier if the cold chain performance objection is required.