Where does the best quality salmon com from?

Salmon, also known as oncorhynchus, is a cold-water fish. Mainly distributed in the waters at the junction of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. As the "Emperor of the Ice Sea" recognized by the international gastronomy community, salmon is delicious, rich in nutrition, bright in color and smooth in taste. And it has become a delicacy on the family table in recent years. 

Where does the best quality salmon com from?(图1)

So where does the best quality salmon come from?

We all know that when it comes to salmon, it is Norway and Chile. They have a large output and a great reputation. Norwegian salmon is so famous because the good sanitary conditions and water quality, so the meat will be more delicious. Moreover, Norwegian salmon is under real-time monitoring, and their production also can meet the supply throughout the year.

But in fact, the best quality salmon is produced in the waters of Alaska in the United States and England in the United Kingdom. Because salmons in the cold regions of ocean has a higher fat content, they are more energetic and have more delicious meat. Therefore, when choosing a salmon origin, the more north the better. However, salmon is produced seasonally in these areas. The production in certain seasons is relatively large, and too small in some seasons. 

Where does the best quality salmon com from?(图2)

So for now, Norwegian salmon is better!