How to Monitor Temperature of Biological Sample Storage?

Freshliance Atlas Log series ultra-low temperature (ULT) data loggers are essential monitoring devices for biological samples forming a vital part of biobanks, clinics, and laboratories. 


Biological sample storage is essential for several industries including pharmaceuticals, healthcare, research and forensics. Correct sample storage ensures the viability of samples by slowing or stopping degradation of biological materials so that they can be used or investigated for some time after collection, without compromising the sample integrity.


Since each sample type has its own unique characteristics, each sample type will require its own cryopreservation process. Depending on the sample that is gathered and how long it is being stored, it will likely be placed in a cold environment between -310 degrees Fahrenheit and 35 degrees Fahrenheit. For samples that are being stored for a short period of time, refrigerated (35 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit) or lab freezer storage (-4 degrees Fahrenheit) are ideal for biological samples that aren’t stable at warmer temperatures. If the sample requires long-term storage, it is typically advisable to opt for ultra-low freezer storage (-112 degrees Fahrenheit) or cryogenic freezer storage (-310 to -238 degrees Fahrenheit) to prevent degradation. In cases where the sample was fixed with a preservative, it may be stored in a room-temperature area. However, the DNA of the sample will likely degrade rapidly as a result.


Losing all of your stored biological samples in the case that your lab’s refrigerator or freezer malfunctions can be detrimental. To safeguard your samples, it’s important to equip your storage system with a independent temperature data logger. Investing in Atlas Log independent temperature monitors and quality backup systems will alert you of temperature fluctuations and prevent your samples from deteriorating in the case that your storage system gives out or malfunctions. At Freshliance, we offer a wide range of ultra low temperature sensor for biological samples. To learn more about our competitively priced new and used lab sample storage options, please contact us right now.