How does usb temperature data logger monitor fresh food transportation temperature?

USB Temperature Data Logger is a device commonly used to monitor and record the temperature of fresh food during transportation. Its working principle is very simple, it is to regularly record the temperature of the food, and then connect it to the computer through the usb port, not only can you see the temperature and changes of the fresh food during transportation, but also can produce unmodifiable pdf reports


The transportation of fresh food is a very complicated process. It can be transported by car, container, plane, etc. No matter which mode of transportation takes time, and it is basically a closed space, the monitoring of the temperature of fresh food is very important. It is especially important to use the Freshliance Fresh Tag 1 USB Temperature Data Logger to better monitor and record the temperature of fresh food. When the temperature of the food exceeds the safe range, the Temperature Data Loggers can send an alarm to remind the transport personnel to take timely measures to Avoid spoilage or contamination of food.

Due to the different transportation methods of fresh food, the transportation cycle is very different, so how to choose the appropriate USB Temperature Data Loggers model? Freshliance has developed a variety of models in response to the particularity of fresh food transportation methods. The itinerary can cover 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days or even 180 days. It is also waterproof and can effectively protect Devices are not affected.


In conclusion, fresh food transportation requires a series of measures to ensure food safety, quality and quality. Freshliance offers USB Temperature Data Loggers, and we can help you choose the right model and supply plan according to your needs. For more details, you can consult online customer service or leave a message, our sales manager will give you a more detailed introduction and quotation!