Advice on milk transportation Food Disposable USB temperature data logger

As milk is a highly perishable foodstuff, it must be transported in trucks that ensure a controlled and constant temperature, under optimum hygiene conditions. The only exception to this rule is when transporting milk and cream by tanker for industrial use over distances of less than 200 km, respecting the cold chain is a requirement, not just an obligation of means..


Here are a few figures for dairy products:

ü + 4°C maximum Fresh raw milk products, non-stable whipped cream, pre-packaged cut-up cheeses.

ü + 6°C maximum Raw milk before collection if not collected daily; pasteurized milk.

ü + 8°C maximum Raw milk before collection if collected daily; raw milk transported to treatment and/or processing plants; fresh dairy products other than pasteurized milk and dairy desserts; butters and fats; non-stable desserts based on milk substitutes.


The Fresh Tag 1 disposable USB temperature data logger is the ideal choice for monitoring and recording temperature changes in milk during transport. It's less expensive, comfortable to consult and saves space. The integrated PDF file generation function enables data reports to be generated in non-editable PDF format by connecting the logger to a PC via the USB2.0 interface. We offer a variety of models with different functions, and the trip can be extended over 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, or even 180 days to meet the specific needs of various applications. The products are made from food-grade packaging materials. They are compact, lightweight, watertight and widely used.