What is the Proper Temperature and Humidity for Table Grape Transportation

Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH temperature and humidity data logger can offer a legible record to confirm the table grape carrying temperature (0°C) is maintained.


Table grapes are grapes intended for consumption while fresh, as opposed to grapes grown for wine production, juice production, or for drying into raisins. The global trade in table grapes has enjoyed strong growth since the 1950s. Chile, Peru, the United States, China, Turkey, Spain, South Africa and Australia are all major producers and exporters of table grapes. World table grape production in 2016 is estimated by the USDA to be in the region of 21.0 million metric tons per annum, China alone accounting for an estimated 9.7 million metric tons of this global total. The international trade in table grapes has significantly benefitted from the increased availability of cold storage and refrigerated container technology.


A temperature of approx. 0°C is generally recommended for storing grapes, at which they have a storage potential of several months. Sweet berries may not freeze until -3°C, but their stems (containing much less sugar) can freeze at -2°C, leading to wilting and berry drop. To avoid the risk of freezing damage, the recommended carriage temperature is preferably to be around the freezing point rather than well below. If shriveling of the grapes is to be avoided, relative humidity should be approx. 90 -95%. However, relative humidity ranges of 85-90% are recommended in order to avoid moistening of the packaging materials, such as wood wool, and consequent mold growth on the grapes. Since the storage or transport temperature may vary depending upon the variety, exact refrigeration instructions should be obtained from the consignor. 


Freshliance FreshTag 10TH single use temperature and humidity recorders is robust enough to withstand the rigors of the journey while being compact and lightweight to sit conveniently with shipments. This temperature and humidity recorder for shipping is ideal for table grapes. All parameters including alarm points can be configured on our free configuration software. Once the temperature and humidity out of the alarm range, the alarm symbol will be displayed on the screen and the red indicator will flash once every 10 seconds. On arrival at its destination, after stopping this disposable temperature recorders for shipping, plug it into the computer, and the irreversible PDF&CSV report with graph and table will be generated automatically and quickly without any additional software. The mark and alarm will also show on this report. When transporting temperature and humidity sensitive goods like table grapes, it’s crucial that the carrier pay close attention to the details. The shipper will list the specific temperature freight needs to remain during transit. If the temperature gets out of this range, the freight could be damaged and may be deemed unacceptable upon delivery. This means time wasted and money lost. This report will be the necessary evidence for the product owner and the cold chain carrier if the cold chain performance objection is required.