Digital Thermometer Recorder for HACCP Applications

Freshliance series HACCP temperature data loggers can store recorded data for easy comparison and access to make measurements in compliance with HACCP standards. HACCP is used in many industries, such as in aquatic products, poultry, canned goods, frozen vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, cosmetics, and the food service industry. HACCP temperature sensors can used to monitor and record temperature in every step. 

The focus of HACCP is on the safety hazards throughout the food chain. That is, the safety and management control of each link from raw materials, intermediate products to the table. But from processing and production to marketing and sales, there are many links in between, which do not guarantee the safety of food is infallible. And our temperature recorder plays an important role in the process of this system. 

For example, throughout the production or transportation process, Fresh Tag1D, Fresh Tag1 and Keeper series HACCP temperature sensors can monitor and record temperatures in real time, effectively preventing or eliminating food safety hazards. 


Fresh Tag 1D LCD Single Use Temperature Datalogger with PDF Report


Multi-use Temperature Humidity Data Loggers Recorders USB PDF with Display


Freshliance Fresh Tag 1 USB Temperature Data Logger

To better meet your needs, please check our website for more information of our temperature data loggers.