Question of cold room temperature Cold room USB disposable temperature data logger

The temperature of a negative cold room

The temperature of a negative cold room is below 0 degrees. In most cases, the temperature is around -18°C. However, the temperature can be even lower, down to -40°C (extreme cold). Negative cold rooms are ideal for freezing foodstuffs: the negative cold solidifies the water contained in foodstuffs, without damaging their cells and preserving their nutritional qualities. Negative cold rooms can be found in professional kitchens (caterers, restaurants, etc.), specialist food stores (butchers, fishmongers, etc.), the agri-food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and more.

The temperature of a positive cold room

A positive cold room is a cold room where the temperature is close to 0°C, and usually slightly higher. The reference temperature for this type of chamber is generally between 3°C and 6°C, but this may vary according to use. They are ideal for preserving food products, as they keep them cool and within easy reach. Positive cold rooms can be found in restaurant kitchens, food laboratories (bakeries, butchers, caterers, delicatessens, pastry shops, etc.), supermarkets, drives, medical and hospital environments, and more.


The European Parliament's Regulation (CE) no. 852/2004 of April 29, 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs sets out temperature traceability obligations for operators in the food sector. In particular, Chapter 3 states that: [...] "adequate facilities and/or devices must be provided to maintain foodstuffs under suitable temperature conditions and to monitor them". In this context, regular temperature monitoring is mandatory. Temperatures must be recorded on a sheet or by means of an automatic recording device (connected object). These records must be kept in a sanitary logbook, providing a history of the temperatures recorded.


The Fresh Tag 1 USB disposable temperature data logger is the ideal choice for monitoring and recording temperature changes in sensitive products during transport. It's less expensive, comfortable to use and saves space. The integrated PDF file generation function enables data reports to be generated in non-editable PDF format by connecting the logger to a PC via the USB2.0 interface. We offer a variety of models with different functions, and the trip can be extended over 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, or even 180 days to meet the specific needs of various applications. The products are made from food-grade packaging materials. They are compact, lightweight, watertight and widely used.