Dairy temperature data logging Disposable PDF temperature data logger

All dairy products must have safety in common if they are to be consumed safely, as they are processes with a high proliferation of micro-organisms during production.

Like the vast majority of products, dairy products also need to be refrigerated for proper processing and storage, due to their perishable nature.


Dairy product manufacturing

Refrigeration plays an important role in dairy production, because without it, dairy production would not be possible. For dairy production, refrigeration is required in processes such as :


This process is based on the separation of cream and whole milk, resulting in skimmed milk, which must be chilled to around 4ºC in order to continue the dairy production process without the raw materials losing their properties or guaranteeing their safety.



This process is based on guaranteeing the safety of dairy products, so that they can be consumed safely and under optimum conditions.

Pasteurization involves exposing a product to a sudden change in temperature.

These two processes are irreplaceable in the production process of any dairy product, as they are essential for guaranteeing food safety and subsequent preservation in optimal conditions.

Refrigeration and ripening in dairy product preservation

As mentioned above, the demanding preservation requirements of dairy products due to their high microbial activity make refrigeration or ripening two key products.

In dairy product preservation, refrigeration is responsible for maintaining optimum conditions in a climatic environment of around 4ºC, so that after the product has been processed, microbial activity does not quickly re-establish itself, which could damage product properties or even endanger consumer health.


Fresh Tag 1D is a disposable PDF temperature data logger with LCD display function, making it easy to visualize temperature data in real time. Its integrated PDF file generation function enables the logger to be connected to a PC to generate non-editable PDF data reports without additional software.

This logger has the advantage of being less expensive, comfortable to use and space-saving. The product is made from food-grade packaging materials. It is compact, lightweight, waterproof and widely used. It's an ideal choice for monitoring and recording temperature variations in sensitive products such as dairy during transport.