How to transport live shrimp Seafood Multi-use Temperature Data Logger with external probe

1. Special shrimp truck

With a special shrimp truck to transport, proper temperature control inside the car, as well as the preparation of a backup generator, it's not good if the car's temperature control doesn't provide power. Checking the condition of the car, refilling its fuel, and debugging its oxygenation equipment are necessary before transportation.

2. Check before loading shrimp

Shrimp transport to empty stomach transportation, no fecal emissions, conducive to the transport of clean water. At the same time to be loaded before the shrimp will be sick shrimp, molting shrimp do not transport, due to the weak, will be easy to die, it is easy to live shrimp are also sick, resulting in large losses.


3. Control of water temperature

Live shrimp for the water temperature is also very demanding, to be controlled between 14℃ to 18℃. Shrimp semi-dormant transport should be avoided because the water temperature is too high, live river shrimp are too active, causing the shrimp's oxygen consumption to be too high, and the phenomenon of bumping. And every two hours to carry out water temperature, water level inspection.



Atlas Log is a multi-use temperature data logger with an LCD screen. The USB thermograph features a high-resolution temperature range of -30 to 70°C. It comes with up to 35,000 readings with a real-time temperature display. Parameters can be freely configured on configuration software provided by our company. The built-in PDF / CSV file generation function enables this temperature data logger with a probe to directly generate irreversible data reports in PDF / CSV format, with no software required. This temperature data logger can be used for wide applications such as sea or air freight, distribution, storage and freezing, pharmaceuticals, frozen foods, shipping containers, etc. Our Atlas Log Multi-use Temperature Data Logger has an external probe with Teflon material that can record and monitor the water temperature.