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Chicken Farm Temperature and Humidity Monitoring



Chicken Farm Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

Freshliance COEUS-WIFI wireless temperature and humidity sensor is a sensor device developed for livestock and poultry breeding to control and adjust the temper...

How to Transport Caviar under the Right Temperature



How to Transport Caviar under the Right Temperature

Transporting caviar at the right temperature in varying conditions is a costly endeavor. Freshliance Fresh Tag 1 single use USB temperature data logger can reco...

What is the Proper Temperature and Humidity for Table Grape Transportation



What is the Proper Temperature and Humidity for Table Grape Transportation

Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH temperature and humidity data logger can offer a legible record to confirm the table grape carrying temperature (0C) is maintained.Ta...

What is the Ideal Transport Environment for Cloves?



What is the Ideal Transport Environment for Cloves?

Freshliacne TagPlus multi use USB temperature and humidity data logger can be used in recording the temperature and humidity during the cloves shipping to ensur...

How to Keep Proper Storage and Transportation Conditions of Cinnamon



How to Keep Proper Storage and Transportation Conditions of Cinnamon

Cinnamon requires particular environmental conditions during storage and transportation. Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH single use USB temperature and humidity data...

The Challenges of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Shipping



The Challenges of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Shipping

Frozen cherries, blueberry, raspberry, peas, cauliflower, mushrooms, and corn are processed fruits & vegetables highly adopted by consumers. Frozen fruits h...

What are the Best Shipping Conditions for Blueberry?



What are the Best Shipping Conditions for Blueberry?

Freshliance Fresh Tracker 1 GPS positioning gsm gps tracker data logger equipped with GPS positioning function and Freshliance cloud platform can achieve real-t...

Proper Temperature Monitoring in Favour of Pomegranate Trade



Proper Temperature Monitoring in Favour of Pomegranate Trade

Pomegranate is a perishable fruit. Freshliance Fresh Tag 10TH single use USB temperature and humidity data logger can monitor and record pomegranate transport a...

How to Maintain the Proper Temperature for Oranges Shipping



How to Maintain the Proper Temperature for Oranges Shipping

Freshliance Fresh Tag 1D single use USB temperature data logger can record and monitor the temperature during oranges’ shipping, making them under the optimal s...

Maintaining Cherries Freshness during Transportation



Maintaining Cherries Freshness during Transportation

The Pacific Northwest is known for its bountiful harvest of cherries each summer, with much of the crop exported to Asia. Freshliance Fresh Tracker 1 GPS positi...