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IoT in temperature monitoring IoT temperature monitoring device with GPS Tracker



IoT in temperature monitoring IoT temperature monitoring device with GPS Tracker

IoT technology is evolving rapidly and has surpassed traditional systems in terms of features and functionality. Remote monitoring and advanced analytics applic...

Temperature monitoring during the transport of biological samples Biological USB



Temperature monitoring during the transport of biological samples Biological USB

The transport of biological samples has standard : ISO 15189 - Medical biology laboratories: Quality and competence requirements - devotes a paragraph to sample...

Temperature monitoring in catering Food service Temperature and humidity data lo



Temperature monitoring in catering Food service Temperature and humidity data lo

Food industry professionals use temperature monitoring systems to check whether a food product is contaminated with bacteria and therefore unsafe for consumptio...

Temperature and humidity monitoring for wine cellar Environment configurable and



Temperature and humidity monitoring for wine cellar Environment configurable and

Wine cellar temperatureTemperature has a definite impact on the quality of aging. The key is to maintain a fairly constant temperature. The ideal temperature is...

Non-breaking cold chain benefits blueberry transportation Multi use data logger



Non-breaking cold chain benefits blueberry transportation Multi use data logger

In recent years, blueberry exports from countries such as Peru and Chile have grown rapidly, and blueberries are expected to become Peru's most important ag...

Temperature monitoring of berries Fruit The single-use USB temperature data logg



Temperature monitoring of berries Fruit The single-use USB temperature data logg

Pre-cooling (rapid removal of the heat to which the fruit is subjected) must absolutely take place within two hours of harvesting. For example, strawberries kep...

Cold chain temperature monitoring Cold chain Bluetooth HACCP Temperature Data Lo



Cold chain temperature monitoring Cold chain Bluetooth HACCP Temperature Data Lo

The aim of food cold chain management is simple. To ensure that meat, vegetables and fruit are not damaged or spoiled. And that way, you'll get the best dis...

Temperature control for biomedical products Medical single-use temperature data



Temperature control for biomedical products Medical single-use temperature data

Biomedical isothermal containers and medical coolers are safe solutions for transporting medicines and medical products. They are indispensable products for ope...

Temperature in the cold chain Food disposable USB temperature data logger



Temperature in the cold chain Food disposable USB temperature data logger

Positive cold is used to preserve a foodstuff without reaching its freezing point, which would risk degrading certain organoleptic qualities, such as texture. N...

How to monitor the environment of Museums and Archives Temperature and humidity



How to monitor the environment of Museums and Archives Temperature and humidity

Museums and Archives are key places, where many precious artefact and documents are preserved. One of the most important factors affecting the longevity of coll...