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Freshliance—Cold Chain Solution Expert



Freshliance—Cold Chain Solution Expert

Millions of COVID-19 vaccines made in the U.S. and China are now being delivered around the world. Freshly caught from Norwegian waters, live king crabs and Atl...

Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers for Fruit and Vegetable Cold Chain



Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers for Fruit and Vegetable Cold Chain

Fresh fruits and vegetables are perishable and environmentally sensitive goods. Thus, their transportation and storage among the different regions and countries...

Why Temperature and Humidity Monitoring is Important for Fast-food Restaurant



Why Temperature and Humidity Monitoring is Important for Fast-food Restaurant

For fast-food restaurant, food safety is top priority at any time. So temperature and humidity monitoring is essential to restaurants.

How to Meet Environmental Requirements of the PCB Assembly Workshop



How to Meet Environmental Requirements of the PCB Assembly Workshop

The printed circuit board is an insulated board on which wire is laid to create a circuit. They are a critical and very necessary part of all electronic product...

How to Monitor Water Temperature When Cleaning Sink in the Dairy Farm



How to Monitor Water Temperature When Cleaning Sink in the Dairy Farm

During the cleaning of dairy farm sinks, the temperature is critical in reducing bacteria residues and it should be in the range of 77℃-85℃. The important thing...

Blood Cold Chain- Relay Race of Saving Lives



Blood Cold Chain- Relay Race of Saving Lives

The blood cold chain begins the moment the blood is collected and continues until it is transfused. That means a relay race of saving lives starts when the bloo...

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Solution in Fertilizer Storage



Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Solution in Fertilizer Storage

Correct storage of fertilizer is important to ensure safety and security. Where possible, fertilizers should be stored in a closed, secure storage place to prot...

Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers for Transportation and Storage of Lychee



Temperature and Humidity Data Loggers for Transportation and Storage of Lychee

Lychee is a tropical, subtropical fruit. The pink to strawberry red fruit is covered by a rough leathery rind. Its white, translucent fleshy arils are sweet, ju...

How to keep the Optimal Temperature and Humidity in the Medical Laboratory



How to keep the Optimal Temperature and Humidity in the Medical Laboratory

Laboratory temperature and humidity are two key factors in creating ideal lab conditions. American Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory guidelines outline ...

COEUS-UEX Ultra Low Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Helps Cultural Relics P



COEUS-UEX Ultra Low Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Helps Cultural Relics P

Cultural relics are easily affected by environmental factors such as temperature and humidity even if kept in a museum. Changes in the environment will cause de...